Photo By: Epic Lights
Exactly two years ago I saw my life flash before my eyes in one instant. I had an accident that left me injured for some time and without the ability to be able to walk or move freely. I was living in New York City at the time and the rush of the city, my drive, and fire for getting ahead in my career were stronger than my ability —or willingness— to find a cure for my leg.
I kept working, walking, doing my regular activities, and —for some crazy reason— I thought my health was just a byproduct of the hustle and life in a busy city. I was contempt with it.
I didn’t pay much attention to my injury until it hit me one day. I had to crawl up the steps in my apartment in NewYork and felt my legs were not responsive at all. They were shaking and felt them so weak I couldn’t give one more step. It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever gone through in my life.
But sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to finally realize that your health comes first.
I had to find therapy, and I traveled to Colombia for intensive care for a few weeks. See… in years and years of seeing regular doctors, podiatrists, chiropractors, getting all kinds of tests done, and finally getting diagnosed with hip tendinitis. I turned to natural medicine.
Natural medicine like herbs, baths, natural oils, and lots of resting and meditation helped a lot. Also, I had to leave New York and move to Los Angeles where a new climate would be more beneficial.
I started to live more free (live lighter) and detach from things in my past that were holding me back. I really had to let go —hear me out, guys— letting go is one of the best therapies you can ever go through.
I’m still going through a lot of therapies for my leg and taking supplements that help me alleviate the pain and relax my body.
But I’m sharing my story not only to let you know what I’ve gone through, but to encourage you to keep going if you’re going through an injury that is causing you physical pain.
Please, please, please, listen to your body. Your health is the most important thing you can have. Pay attention to your mental health, Physical health, emotional well being. Work on things little by little and be patient.
“Make your mess, your message”. These words by Robin Roberts stuck with me and I want you to use them too!
Don’t give up! EVERRR!