Phew! We made it through half of 2020. Can’t believe it’s already August.
Let me tell you guys, this year has been full of surprises (and we’re barely halfway through). And when I say surprises, I mean good ones, bad ones, and even extremely incredibly unbelievable obstacles too. But although it’s been a challenging year, we should be certain that this year is one to embrace GROWTH. Here are a few lessons I’ve learned and continue to use moving forward. Hope they help you too!
Do what you love: If you stay stuck in old ways but are unhappy, you’re doing a disservice to yourself. Flip. The. Page. And start doing what you’re called for.
Be open to receiving: God has so many amazing things for you if you just let Him act on your life. Be open with people and start being vulnerable. Promise it won’t kill you. (It’s okay to cut people too if they don’t align) chop, chop!
Expect the unexpected: No one knew what this year would bring. We are learning to UNLEARN old behaviors and embrace change. We are learning, growing, and learning some boundaries!
Practice Prayer and Meditation: A few moments of gratitude in the morning and before you go to sleep will leave your mind and body ready to rest or ready to take on any challenges.
Get closer to nature: In any form possible. Taking sanity walks or drives, going to the part to get some fresh air, or simply having more plants at home will stimulate your senses and make you feel alive.
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Practice some of these for a few days until they become a habit. Hope they help and let me know how it goes!
Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on how to take care of your body, mind and soul.
See you on my social media! Find me @carolinatrejos!