There has long been a rivalry between New York and Los Angeles, in part because they’re the greatest cities for creatives and entrepreneurs, among other professionals —but some things are just a myth until you really experience them skin deep. There’s something magical about living in the most popular cities in the U.S. and becoming one of the million souls that energize them.

When it comes to the hustle in the West Coast vs. the East Coast, there are many things that come into play: weather, food, cost of living, relationships, fashion, and even mental health. 

We spoke to some creatives and entrepreneurs who helped us break down East vs. West culture. Check it out by category below: 


To live in New York, you’ve got to have tough skin – and feet. New York is a universe that you can explore on your feet, and, although getting used to riding the subway every day can be tough, it will take you faster to your destination than having a car. In fact, don’t even try getting a car in New York as parking and maintenance can be VERY expensive. 

In LA, a car is a must —unless you want to Uber everywhere. There is public transportation, but it can use some work (a lot of work). You need a car to move around Los Angeles and unfortunately deal with traffic 24/7. 

Cost of Living:

In New York, the hustle is so real because you have to Pay. That. Rent. Let’s reiterate that, rent in NYC can be three times as expensive as rent in LA, for less space. Because there are so many people that want to live in New York, you’ll find yourself spending half of your earnings on rent. That’s why you get roommates so you can afford to live in Manhattan, or somewhere closer to it.

In LA, rent is definitely more affordable and there’s nothing that beats living close to the ocean, and even going on the occasional road trip up the coast! 


This part is simple. New Yorkers are blunt and have lots of personality. You should get to the point fast, because no one has time to listen to you. Everyone seems to be type-A, and is always in hustle mode.

LA people are more laid back and relaxed; they want to chill and listen to you. What?! Yup! You can actually sit down and have a conversation with people – crazy thought.


Can we say melting pot?! In terms of food, New York is one of the best places in the world to find authentic food from any culture you think of. You can find everything from delicious Cuban food full of sazón to the shawarma at the corner food truck that will have your mouth watering for days after you finish.

Food in LA equals paradise for veggies, vegans, and overall healthy eating. There are also many different cultural options due to the diverse melting pot in such a spread out city.


If you’re looking for a career in fashion, theater, or finance, the Concrete Jungle is the place to be. Just get ready for some competition as New Yorkers are constantly upping their game.

Hello, Hollywood! Los Angeles is the place to be for a career in media, film, and television. 


Lastly, the weather on both coasts will be one of the main determining factors. It all depends on your likes. You can choose the brutal yet beautiful New York snow days or a moderate chaparral climate in LA that is sunny almost all year-round.

If you ask us to pick one, it’s a tough call because no city teaches you how to hustle like NYC and no city teaches you how to appreciate your surroundings, be present and not get so caught up in your work like LA. 

If you’re still in doubt, evaluate your options and jump into one because there’s no place like New York and there’s no place like Los Angeles.