morning routine
It’s coffee and journaling for me… Let’s talk morning routines! Your mornings set the tone for the whole day. They can make the difference between having a productive day or a slow and lazy one… ¡El café no puede faltar en la rutina mañanera!
If you leave your day to chance, you are most likely going to be diverted by the priorities of others and find yourself consumed by stress. (Tell me about it!) Creating and carrying out your morning routine can help you feel in control and calm…. Something we all need these days!
Here are some morning activities you can try:
* Write, write, write your thoughts, feelings, emotions, affirmations.
* Coffee + Prayers & meditation (This one changed my life!)
* Dance, jump, play music!
* Plan your day
* Prioritize the 3 most important activities you want to do that day
* Take in the sun
* Make your bed
* Practice deep breathing
* Definitely DO NOT check social media before 10am (Ahem!)
Which ones do you practice?