self love, self care, february, valentines day

“Have you been finding time for you?,” was the repetitive question I was asked by my friends and family who would see me going crazy tackling projects left and right. My answer was…. “Time for what? I’m doing the work and it makes me happy!”

For some reason, I thought “happy” meant being busy working on your career all the time and I had no idea what “time for you” meant. Now I know what they meant was self-care, self-love, time to relax and reconnect to your BEING, not so much your DOING.

I’m so guilty of not putting TIME TO REST in my priorities, and my body, mind, and soul FELT the byproduct… I didn’t listen to the signs at first, and after years of suffering from stress-induced pain, injuries and repercussions, I cannot stress enough the fact that resting is important.

You can take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health by switching up some things in your TO DO LIST …. Yes, if you’re a driven lady like me, even time off needs to be scheduled but scheduled as a priority.

I learned that just switching some habits around you can make a huge difference in your day. One day at a time. Peep the list below!

  • Move your body – dance, hike, swim, run!
  • Clean and reorganize your room
  • Take a bath
  • Learn a new skill
  • Do a DIY project
  • Meditate
  • Talk with a friend
  • Write down things you’re grateful for
  • Journal, journal, journal
  • Go for a walk and leave your phone at home!
  • Take an #essentialoils infused bath (add a hair mask to double the care)
  • Read a book while doing a face sheet mask

Try these and let me know how they go!